LINK TO IMAGES USED: https://unsplash.com/photos/XOhI_kW_TaM?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink
Do you ever get tired of seeing a bunch of Valentine’s Day ads that look the same? I’m sure we all do. That’s why we were given the task to create a paid Facebook ad for Whole Grounds Coffee Shop to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Since Whole Grounds Coffee Shop is a fictional brand who serves local fair-trade coffee, we had the creative liberty to decide upon the brand’s voice and target audience. Hence, I decided to create this for those in the age group of 18 -24 and in a new location in Arizona.
Why choose a paid Facebook ad? Paid content is a great opportunity for many Social Media Managers to create the exposure of a brand to the public. Not only is it reliable but it is a great way to distribute information faster. Furthermore, Facebook is a platform designed to achieve awareness, consideration, and conversions with the ability to go deeper into audience demographics and target ads. The article provided here, shows just how many wonderful ways that you can market using Facebook ads. For example, you can create a carousel ad, video, and even a messenger ad. You may also use Facebook’s Page Insights to be able to see the demographics of an audience, including the age, gender, work status, etc. This is helpful to a marketer as they want to market to the best of their abilities. Thus, Facebook ads are an efficient way to market for a holiday, such as how Whole Grounds Coffee Shop wants to do here for Valentine’s Day.
Keeping this information in mind, I tried to make my ad be a little different. Many Valentine’s Day posts are all about if you are in a relationship and what you can do for the other person. It markets towards those in a relationship, leaving single people to feel a little left out during this time period. However, with a pandemic this year, love may be a little harder to find. In fact, nearly half of Americans say that “dating is harder now, than it was a year ago” (Source). This means that there are a lot of single people out there, who aren’t really being marketed to on Valentine’s Day. By marketing to them, this taps into another audience base that competitors most likely aren’t marketing to. Valentine’s Day leaves single people joking about how it is a “single awareness day”. So, why not make this an ad? It is different, which will automatically catch someone’s attention. This is also more likely to get someone to spend more time looking at the ad and maybe to even share it. If they are looking at the ad for a longer time, it may convince them to go see how the coffee is. Secondly, it uses red, usually associated with Valentine’s Day, to highlight the words. Red can also symbolize importance, which may stick with the viewer. Also, it uses imagery of coffee to draw in a user and make their mouth water. As mentioned previously, this ad harps on irony and humor. Since many people in the Generation Z category like jokes such as Spotify’s ad shown to the left, I felt the caption was appropriate. The caption says, “Status: Single, but at least I have Whole Grounds Coffee this Valentine’s Day.” It mentions how it is for Valentine’s Day, but it still goes back to the text of “Single Awareness” and mentions how Whole Grounds Coffee Shop is there for single people too, instead of just couples. Then at the bottom, it says “Find a New Love here”, which still pertains to the Valentine’s Day theme. Since the ad also mentions strong coffee, this could potentially drag a user to look at the menu if they like strong coffee.
In conclusion, this post will start new conversations with both new and old potential customers, but at the same time will drive users to click on the website to view the menu based upon the humor and imagery used.
Facebook Target Audience Segmentation:
Location: This paid post will be featured on Facebook in the Tempe and Phoenix areas of Arizona.
Age - 18 - 24 year olds
Gender - all
Interests: Coffee, Dating/Romance, College, Single, Valentine’s Day, Friendship, Family