Quick Overview: The project was done as part of a user experience design challenge given to us in the Graphic Information Technology 314: Introduction to Storyboarding course. I was given the brief by them to work on creating a new feature for an app. As a music lover and big time user of Spotify, I decided to research their brand in order to come up with a suitable new feature. After doing some research, I came up with the idea to allow users to easily listen to music live with friends while being in different places on the mobile app through a “friends” tab that is added. Additionally, this tab incorporates new features such as recommended friends based off of your music tastes as well as the ability to see new playlists made by friends in an organized fashion. The results of this project are shown below along with the Creative Brief and Storyboard.

As seen above, the results of the project show the app having an updated loading screen that takes the user into the home page. From here, the user taps on "Your Library" to see the normal music page that showcases the users playlist, only to see that a new tab has been added at the end labeled as "friends". The user swipes through their playlists before tapping on the friends tab. Once on the friends page, the user swipes through to see which of their friends are online before they decide to click on one of their friends and switch to listen to their friend's music. The music transitions and then marks the end of the animation. Part of the requirements of this project was to include the prototype of the app in the form of a .gif file. One challenge regarding this was keeping a file size format that was not too large yet kept its resolution and would be able to upload to places easily.

Listed above is the Creative Brief made for this project. It scans the overview of the project, labels the audience, goals, plans, and shows the previous branding. For those that do not know, Spotify is a music provider targeted to those in their teenage years to late twenties that is available in both a mobile and desktop version. Their headquarters is located in New York and they often times partner up with other companies such as Hulu or Showtime in order to give their customers great deals. They typically brand themselves as being the company that has “Music for every mood.”

Attached above displays the Storyboard for this project. It walks the user through the application of how the app will work. Both the Creative Brief and the Storyboard were done before the creation of the prototype.
Thank you for taking the time to view this project. All logos as well as the Spotify name belong to Spotify. (https://www.spotify.com/us/)